Polyacrylamide Usage
Powder polyacrylamide can not be used directly; it should be used properly after well mixing with pure water (eg. tap water). We suggest the concentration around 0.1% - 0.3% during dissolving.Generally it should be diluted again when using. During dissolution, polyacrylamide should be welladded into the water slowly, the mixing speed should not be too strong, otherwise the shearing ratio of the Polyacrylamide will be decreased. If the adding rate is too quick, it will cause Polyacrylamide “fish eye” appearance. The temperature of the water should not be higher than 60°C.Normal temperature is feasible.5. The storage life of the Cationic polyacrylamide solution is effective within one day, Anionic polyacrylamide within two days, in order to avoid degrada-tion. The Polyacrylamide solution should not be mixed with iron ion,As iron ion is the catalyst which can decompose polyacrylamide. While pumping, we suggest using diaphragm pump or vacuum pump or low-pressure centrifugal pump (as the high speed of the pump impeller may cause the degradation of polyacrylamide). When Polyacrylamide combined with an inorganic coagulant, We should first add inorganic coagulant, and then add the series of products when floc-culating appears apparently. It can neither be reversed the order, nor be joined together at the same time. Security-about the security issue of the high molecular weight polyacryl-amide for water treatment. Many countries have repeated a large.Amount of human adhesion tests and animal toxicity tests, and have confirmed its non-toxic. In medically, it is non active, non chronicToxic, non acute toxic, non stimulate to human skin. For controlling the usage safety of Polyacrylamide, the content of residual monomer and dosage should be controlled firstly, the content of the residual monomer is less than 0.5%. The Polyacrylamide produced by our company with a unique technology of molecular polymerization(National Patent),reach to the latest technical stan-dards.