BIOTEC provides standard, and tailor made water solutions that reliably deliver safe, high-quality water in densely populated areas and remote communities. We are committed to ensuring safe, reliable and affordable drinking water. We pay special attention to the profitability of the facilities, capital and operating costs and environmental impact. Depending on its end use, water from wells, rivers, lakes, and other sources demand a variety of purification processes, which may include:
- Clarification and purification
- Softening and hardness treatment
- Specific treatments (removal of arsenic, uranium, nitrates, endocrine disruptors, total organic carbon, etc.)
- Disinfection
- Desalination
- Sludge treatment
- CHEMICALs for water treatment
- Mobile water treatments

BIOTEC technologies include membrane treatment solutions for any type of water application working with membrane manufacturers to provide ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis solutions. The two main membrane processes developed by BIOTEC are Ultrafiltration and Reverse Osmosis. Membrane processes separate two fluids through a selective barrier (the membrane itself), exploiting the pressure difference between the two surfaces of the membrane that is crossed by some substances present in the fluids while having little or no permeability to other substances.
ULTRAFILTRATION: allows the separation of macromolecules with different molecular masses. Ultrafiltration membranes have a filtration degree of 0.1-0.01 µm; this allows the retention of proteins, fatty acids, macromolecules, bacteria, suspended solids, etc. It requires low pressures (<10 bar).
REVERSE OSMOSIS: used in water treatment, both for desalination and for the elimination of traces of phosphates, calcium, heavy metals, etc. Reverse osmosis membranes have a filtration degree of 0.0001-0.00001 µm and require high pressures (up to 100 bars). The filter material used is organic polymeric type with a spiral geometric shape. Under these technologies, BIOTEC offers the market according modular EQUIPMENTs, supplies and maintenance and control services.